Vitamin D Awareness Week 2018

This week (22nd- 26th October) is Vitamin D Awareness Week.

According to government statistics, Vitamin D deficiency affects 1 in 6 adults and 1 in 5 children in the UK, that’s 10 million people in the UK alone!!

What are the signs of a Vitamin D deficiency?

Common health conditions such as frequent coughs and colds, tiredness and fatigue, low mood, achy muscles and poor bone and tooth health can be a sign that you are lacking in Vitamin D.

In extreme cases children have been diagnosed with Rickets and adults can develop Osteomalacia.

What should I do?

Public Health England’s latest advice on vitamin D recommends that “everyone take a daily supplement to protect bone and muscle health during autumn and winter”.

These recommendations are made because Vitamin D is made in our skin by absorbing UVB rays from the sun. In the UK the sun is simply not strong enough in Autumn and Winter to provide us with enough of these UVB rays.

Many people even struggle to meet their Vitamin D needs in the summer due to lifestyle choices such as indoor workplaces and social activities and extensive use of SPF sunscreens and make up.

There are certain groups where year round Vitamin supplementation should be considered:

  • Infants and young children under 5 years of age
  • All pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Older people aged 65 years and over
  • People with darker skin and those who have low or no exposure to the sun

Can I get the Vitamin D I need from food?

Not very easily!

Most people’s food provides only 10% of their daily required intake of vitamin D.

To achieve just the minimum recommended daily amount of 400IU or 10 micrograms you would need to eat:
8 eggs, 3kg of cheddar cheese or 2 cans of tuna every single day


If you have any concerns about your intake of Vitamin D or your overall food intake please contact us at Sunlight Nutrition.