Step 1: Tomatoes, I had some cherry tomatoes that needed eating up so I decided to use these as the basis of my soup. Any tomatoes would be appropriate, large or small, fresh or tinned.
I decided to roast off my cherry tomatoes with some olive / vegetable oil and seasoning. If you are trying to boost your calorie intake use plenty of oil!
Step 2: Soup! I fried off some onions (in some olive / vegetable oil), to colour and soften them, added some vegetable stock and my roast tomatoes and blended.
Step 3: Enrichment: To add additional calories add plenty of cream. (Today I used soya cream – tailor this to your personal dietary needs)
Step 4: Enjoy! – Today I served my soup with cheese and onion focaccia. You could also add some grated cheese and croutons for additional enrichment!